Our Star the sun, is not as the scientists say; That would be a burning and distant fireball, in many cases by logic, it would have been consumed by itself. The discovery of the origin and nature of light and heat radiated, which they claim is produce in the sun and other stars to all the planets and satellites, has been and is a difficult problem, complex and mysterious to be solved by many astrophysicists around times until today. But we present several hypotheses to gentle reader, for your general knowledge and so get familiar with these theories that have been rambling around since many-years.
Theories as first enunciated by Sir. William Herschel in 1854 eminent astronomer who suggested that the Sun could be a body rather fresh, considering its magnetic origin. Then in the twentieth century an eminent South American astronomer reinforces this hypothesis with his "Theory of Cold Sun," a Book published in 1947, which reflected a study of no less than 50 years, but after several years Prof. E. Ortega informed the Astronomical Society of the period 1952 to have discovered the setting of our planet to a concave lens sort of electromagnetic source in kind. What this astronomer called "Lenticular Electromagnetic Sphere" which he said enveloped and protected the earth from harmful death rays and in turn, through the receipt of the lines of force radiating from "The Sun", which it act in the manufacturing process of light and heat
Theories as first enunciated by Sir. William Herschel in 1854 eminent astronomer who suggested that the Sun could be a body rather fresh, considering its magnetic origin. Then in the twentieth century an eminent South American astronomer reinforces this hypothesis with his "Theory of Cold Sun," a Book published in 1947, which reflected a study of no less than 50 years, but after several years Prof. E. Ortega informed the Astronomical Society of the period 1952 to have discovered the setting of our planet to a concave lens sort of electromagnetic source in kind. What this astronomer called "Lenticular Electromagnetic Sphere" which he said enveloped and protected the earth from harmful death rays and in turn, through the receipt of the lines of force radiating from "The Sun", which it act in the manufacturing process of light and heat
The Sixteenth Century gave us one of the most outstanding scientists and mathematicians from that century which was named “Galileo Galilei” and it was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. When in our Western world at that time people believed that our sun, the moon, and stars were revolved around the Earth, and academy teachers taught them that the earth was the center of the universe. "Galileo always bet against." The audience of the period in general had a tendency to believe what the authorities such as universities and the Roman Catholic Church say, and especially by that time the supreme power of the "Roman Inquisition"
Ideas about how the earth could be located in space, were taught in the third century BC by Aristotle, the Greek philosopher. Five hundred years later, the Egyptian astronomer “Ptolemy”, validate and support the Aristotle beliefs through forming a sketch into a painting, depicting the earth as the center of the universe. The vast majority of people did not think about studying the universe to discover whether Aristotle or Ptolemy were right.
But Galileo was very different, trying to see if those ideas were true. However, Galileo enjoyed doing experiments for learning and understanding more about the laws governing nature.
At the beginning of the seventeenth century, in 1609, Galileo at the age of 45 years, listen about a new invention in which he could see distant objects very closely. Galileo, saw an opportunity in this new invention, and immediately began building his own "remote browser" as it was called the modern “optical telescope”.
When Galileo built his first telescope, Galileo it offered as a gift to a prominent Italian governor. Then, sometime later began building most powerful and sophisticated.
By 1610 Galileo had developed a powerful telescope that could multiply the object approach in thousands of times.
At age 46, Galileo's curiosity drew him to seek with his powerful telescope the night skies of their hometown. The first thing he noticed was the moon and to his surprise he found that the lunar surface was not as stake, as previously thought. As it was instead just the opposite, that contained hills, valleys and mountains. Galileo, increase his inquiry beyond the periphery, and discovered more moons and that these were always revolved around the planets, he could check with those belonging to the major moons of Jupiter environment. For Galileo at that moment, this kind of discovery proved a reliable means that the Sun, Moon and Stars and other planets, "not revolved around the Earth." Some wealthy of the time then, began to feel threatened by their discoveries. And then they point off to the leaders of the Church that was threatening their religious beliefs.
In 1615, Galileo was admonished by the Congregation of the Holy Office, "which belonged to the" Roman Inquisition "which was an autonomous body of the" Medieval Inquisition "of the time. By then he was told he could only refer to its findings as mere personal interpretations rather than facts uncovered by the unpublished.
Galileo, been a Catholic, nodded at it. But years later, in 1632, Galileo published his book in which he said. "The earth revolved around the sun"
That book angry enough, the Church leaders, because they believed that Galileo had broken its word, at that time. "The Roman Inquisition." Ordered the arrest of Galileo and then sentence him not to disclose or write about the subject with anyone, referring to his premise in the book about "the planetary positions."
Galileo at that time had 70 years of age. So the church consider this as a mitigating factor, this allowed him to complete his sentence at home, but not before instigating not to comment with anyone about his postulate, or to leave his home. Galileo was quite angry, but never discouraged. He knew that his inquiries were a reality and "believed that the people continue to seek the truth on their own."
Galileo was right about this. Although it will take many centuries, exactly 360 years since Galileo made the discovery, and that the Church officially recognized publicly in the last century, or in the twentieth century, that Galileo Galilei was right:
"The Sun was not revolved around the Earth"
It took more than three hundred years for these ideas discovered by Galileo Galilei in be recognized by this society. We now know that the earth and other planets in the solar system revolve around the sun, and are now in the public domain, and were verified when the man reached the moon!. But these ideas were floating around in the Medieval Europe, and were verifiable to anyone who had the will to look through a telescope and see for himself as irrefutable fact, but it happens that we are more concerned with our daily living, against what we believe to be the mundane.
The question is how long will it take for the academic history in recognize officially this established traces of ancient arts that come from a past so remote that link us all with ancient civilization that were coming from the sky. Maybe in time we would get the answer or we would find our original source ...
Some of these conceptual opposites was, a great astronomer who gave us a real answer during the last century. Dr. Eloy Ortega and his refine "Teoria del Sol Frio." “The Cold Sun Theory” in which challenge our scientific postulate of our time. In a study complete of not less than almost sixty years of research, time in which he discovers the layers to which was crimping of our planet to a sort of concave lens of electromagnetic source, and was called.
"Lensticular Electromagnetic Sphere."
The Star king is not like the international scientific community says it is. That is a huge ball expelling a burning fire, which in many cases and by logic would have been consumed by itself. But scientists urge us this does not happen because many implosions of atoms occur every second and this is what keeps the sun in every moment booming "this is understood as corresponding to the electromagnetic part." But research done previously show us as did the eminent astronomer of the twentieth century on the subject and much studied "Theory of Cold Sun," says that may not be of very high temperatures, quite the contrary. Since the scientific community, explains various factors acting upon receiving the sun's rays on earth.
But as explained by Dr. E. Ortega tells us that planets with atmosphere or not, usually have a electromagnetic- layer-of-high-ionic-vibration-isolating diverse composition of the planets of "the intense radiation" that come from space and the solar planets.
In the specific case of our planet. "The earth" without such protection would be exposed to all kind of intense radiation that could possible destroy all life on its surface. In this sense, it is estimated that only on this planet.
This layer might well say that the measure reaches one million km in altitude and protects us from all harmful rays in its entirety but in turn, provide us with light and heat in every moment of our lives. This layer creates a large concave lens to capture those invisible rays coming from the sun, these rays transform into something physical and tangible such as heat and light output.
"This can be see reflected when A meteor fall in our atmosphere". Author. CC
The new space probes sent, as they are. "New Horizon" directed toward the planet "Pluto" and "Prometheus" directed toward the giant Jupiter, which arrived in 2015. "In 2020 Pluto will return the visit" The First New Horizon will be a very long journey and their journey lasted nearly ten years of travel, while the second would be revolving around the mega-giant Jupiter, producing and studying the planet for two years, because scientists found discrepancies, as when the Cassini space probe was orbiting, revealing his busy study of the climate thunderstorms, for about the aforementioned big spot?
If the nobles of old times climbed up the skies in a balloon as it was fashionable in those times and it happened that the higher they climbed, they came to suffer from a low temperature and less oxygen so it is quickly stifled. Checked that the light grew brighter the higher up, but the sun did not heat as well as on the surface. All this can be a big lie if not checked and it is unreasonable to assume a cold sun, it makes sense to have him as "a glowing ball of fire."
"But here we apply our common sense again."
Invites us to think that if the Sun was in this way-this-our Sun has already been extinct millions of years ago, however what happens is that the star acts like a solar ...
"Micro-wave Generator"
Sending all these waves around, which are captured by the electromagnetic membrane of each planet and transformed into light and heat! It sounds more logical and reasonable in this way.
- Because the nature and the infinite cosmos is the first to make recycling economy -
Without specifically radiate heat to such long distances to maintain life “Supposedly”.
"Only in our Planet”
"It would be very arrogant on our part to think that
the sun shines only to us exclusively. "
"The fact that we are not contacted officially, does not mean that do not exist, because it is usual to deny what is not, at first instance, if our current astrophysicists have been unable to penetrate with their powerful telescopes, or go beyond the planet Pluto with its probes, as we can show, beyond the scientific concept - there is nothing without evidence, "for our turn to be a bit more intuitive and calculate our estimates.
Either way, long ago, in prehistoric times. Around the time of the Inca empire or "Kingdom of Tahuantinsuyo" worshiped the sun and did many other civilizations in ancient times. These cultures and great dignitaries were responsible for guarding these secrets from the rest of the people and this was transmitted by word of mouth, the high priest of those times. -Cultures that if they had access through the external factor, factor which I going to explain in more detail below. - We reproduce a small article of what you will find that great scientist-astronomer of the 20th century. During his numerous investigations of the sky that lasted many decades.
Dr. E. Ortega tells us in chapter II. Saying that the albedo, or reflective power of the planets was not in order, in which is the distance from the Sun and that its light is not engendered in the Sun. Gave as an example a-Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, who found brighter than the planet Mercury, which revolved like no other in the vicinity of the Sun, because all planets are see usually with a diamond glow characteristic of all emitter points of light of its own, and not "from what we get by reflection from the Sun"
In such enormous distances. If we consider the planet Mercury which is closest to the Sun, and is listed in the chart of Dr. Ortega occupying a seventh place among the most brightest.
Considering the Sun as solar refraction first, then one would expect the planet Mercury would almost disappear completely to the vision, becoming almost invisible by the light received by the solar orb, but this does not happen?
As bright as the order is not really follow the same positional order planetary solar system, or starting from the Sun Coming from most (+) to less (-) in order of their brightness, Dr. Ortega made a chart with the following list:
2) Venus
3) Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune
4) Earth-Occupying fourth-place
5) Mars
6) Moon and Asteroids
7) "Mercury"
8) Pluto.
3) Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune
4) Earth-Occupying fourth-place
5) Mars
6) Moon and Asteroids
7) "Mercury"
8) Pluto.
He also said that Pluto should not be the last planet to indicate the outer boundaries of our country. That was from Dr. E. Ortega.
As it explained two great scientists of the eighteenth century Johann D. Titius & Johann Elert Bode, who created the Titius-Bode Law relating the distance of our planet to the Sun to the numeral-order-position by a mathematical succession. Where N = 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48,,, moving twice the previous value, then we would say that the other planets that would shape or fully integrate the solar system would be in multiples of two in distance or geometric distance compared to the previous, but still we have no ability to see or prove conclusively that this hypothesis is, even with the new "Hubble Space Telescope." Take many dreary years of data collection and integration, through electro graphics boards being filed to show off in these monitors to figure out if there was any movement or variation in the sky at that time and for those vast distances.
Precisely this is the method currently used to discover new heavenly bodies. But Titus-Bode theory originated in 1766 by Johann Daniel Titus and then the astronomer and discoverer Sir. William Herschel in 1781 confirm this theory with the discovery of the planet Uranus - Consequently, it follows that no light is generated in the Sun, but each planet produces its own light.
As Dr. E. Ortega correctly called "Lensticular Electromagnetic Sphere," which surrounds and protects all the planets and even the sun also has its own sphere and the every star alike.
The Sun is not a physical emitter of heat. - The Sun only produces the lines of forces, which emits around "This does not burn, it is much colder than Earth, that due to its immense magnetism, solar phenomena are of electromagnetic origin are correlated with those that concern here on earth, or calls, “the auroras northern and southern”.
"It is inconceivable that planet Jupiter receives heat from
the Sun at the distance of 778'000 000-kms "
The giant planet, however, shows a huge evaporation, "may this reveal a ocean evaporation power with a lot of activity, as it demonstrated by space probe Cassini. Jupiter is not a dying sun either.
The space is curved, dark and extremely cold, consisting of a weighty matter, is crossed by power lines and magnetic fields.
According to astronomical science, tells us that our sun, intensely hot, is like a self-luminous gaseous body that is at the center of the solar system. Its gravitational pull keeps planets, comets and other bodies in celestial orbits are their general characteristics.
The Sun is currently an average star, appears to be large in size compared to other stars, but this is due to our proximity to the Sun.
The distance from the Sun to the Earth varies, depending on if it is in Perihelion (short) 147, 053.000 km (91,537.000 mi), or its maximum length or the Ap-helium 152,138.000 km (94,537.000 mi) The average distance would be 149, 591.000 km (92, 960.000 mi), that is taken from the astronomical unit or (AU) unit of distance used for remote measurements in the solar system.
The Sun is about 1, 392.000 km (865.400 mi) in diameter, and its volume is about 1,300,000 times that of Earth. Its mass is almost 700 times the total mass of all bodies that are within the solar system, and it is 332.000 times more than the land.
The solar surface have a gravity about 28 times bigger than the earth, for example, a body or object would weigh 28 times more than its weight on earth.
The density of the material that comprises the Sun is about ¼ of the earth, compared with water, the average density is 1.41 solar. At its center, the Sun is 100 times the density of water, "allegedly" to a temperature of 10 to 20 million degrees.
Observations of sunspots and solar spectral studies indicate that the sun rotates on its axis from east to west.
The space is curved, dark and extremely cold, consisting of a weighty matter, is crossed by power lines and magnetic fields.
According to astronomical science, tells us that our sun, intensely hot, is like a self-luminous gaseous body that is at the center of the solar system. Its gravitational pull keeps planets, comets and other bodies in celestial orbits are their general characteristics.
The Sun is currently an average star, appears to be large in size compared to other stars, but this is due to our proximity to the Sun.
The distance from the Sun to the Earth varies, depending on if it is in Perihelion (short) 147, 053.000 km (91,537.000 mi), or its maximum length or the Ap-helium 152,138.000 km (94,537.000 mi) The average distance would be 149, 591.000 km (92, 960.000 mi), that is taken from the astronomical unit or (AU) unit of distance used for remote measurements in the solar system.
The Sun is about 1, 392.000 km (865.400 mi) in diameter, and its volume is about 1,300,000 times that of Earth. Its mass is almost 700 times the total mass of all bodies that are within the solar system, and it is 332.000 times more than the land.
The solar surface have a gravity about 28 times bigger than the earth, for example, a body or object would weigh 28 times more than its weight on earth.
The density of the material that comprises the Sun is about ¼ of the earth, compared with water, the average density is 1.41 solar. At its center, the Sun is 100 times the density of water, "allegedly" to a temperature of 10 to 20 million degrees.
Observations of sunspots and solar spectral studies indicate that the sun rotates on its axis from east to west.
(As it does the Planet Venus!)
Because of its gaseous nature its average rotation varies somewhat with latitude, the great period in speed (a period of almost 25 days) is found in the equatorial region and the lowest speed is in the solar poles. (Periods of about 35 days). The Sun's axis is tilted about 7 degrees to the ecliptic plane.
The glossy surface of the sun is called photosphere and "as? with temperatures of about 6,000 o C. The photosphere appears dark at the edge (limbus) of the solar disk by the strong absorption of light that makes the atmosphere in this area, this phenomenon is called limb darkening * During a solar eclipse can be observed the chromosphere and corona. (What are the outer layers of the atmosphere). It is also interesting to observe high speed, and a faint extension of the crown, which is caused by the know Solar Wind.
The glossy surface of the sun is called photosphere and "as? with temperatures of about 6,000 o C. The photosphere appears dark at the edge (limbus) of the solar disk by the strong absorption of light that makes the atmosphere in this area, this phenomenon is called limb darkening * During a solar eclipse can be observed the chromosphere and corona. (What are the outer layers of the atmosphere). It is also interesting to observe high speed, and a faint extension of the crown, which is caused by the know Solar Wind.
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